About Brilliant Metal Craft

A Metal Fabrication Company established as Single Proprietorship Organization since the year 1990. It set up its first business address in the residence of its proprietor and owner at Lahing-lahin St., Mabolo, Cebu City. It first offered subcontracting jobs to bigger industrial plants in the neighborhood such as the shops of COACO, WG&A and others.

Revolutionizes medical oxygen supply with its centralized oxygen generator technology.

Our Story of Innovation and Excellence

BMC’s present strength lies primarily in its being chosen as TESDA’s Official Testing Venue for the student welders and the expertise of its owner and proprietor which spans to 25 years of actual welding and metal fabrication experience.

Big industrial plants in the region such as Keppel, Tsuneishi, Supercat and others has come to notice the company’s efficiency and high quality workmanship so that they have become its primary client.

The proprietor and owner provides the single point of contract for the client, ensuring that its tam of highly skilled men assigned to various trades such as piping, welding & fabrication, medical pipeline etc. performs well according to the clients budget and time constraints, but producing workmanship of highest technical quality.

Quality assurance is based on the SPEQSI principle which every personnel must be aware of


That there shall be no loss of time, property, life & limbs, in the workplace.


To achieve good result and quality workmanship planning and proper procedure is a required knowledge.


Proper and most cost effective way of utilization of materials and consumables even when these supplies are provided by the clients.


Main factor to be considered as it is the gauge of the job orders acceptability in all aspect.


Meeting deadlines considering the clients goals and targeted revenues.


Being able to make necessary changes and suggestions to the clients with respect to the project.


Brilliant Metal Craft aspire to improve the traditional Welding Technology in terms of Quality Training and Application for Immediate Employment. We wanted to aid in the Enhancement of the Quality Standard of Hospital for Medical Tourism. We continuously find ways for a Safer, Productive and a more Cost Effective Process.

It is Brilliant Metal Craft’s vision to be an Organization striving towards Contributing to the Sustainable Development of our Society improving their way of lives.


To our Customer,
We are committed to provide high quality training and services plus innovation.

To our Principals,
We are committed to do our best so that BMC is the fastest training organization for welders.

To our Community,
We are helping the less fortunate citizen to acquire skills in welding for immediate employment.

To our Employees,
We are committed as partners in empowering and sharing productivity improvements.

To our Stakeholder,
We are committed to provide a sustainable source of income.

To the Environment,
We are committed to provide equipment and facilities that will protect and sustained the environment.

Diamond Optimum Reliability